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tv   Fox 45 Early Edition  FOX  March 17, 2011 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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( gasps ) ( humming ) i'm driving the hell out of this truck. march 17th
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map fiber map mayor stephanie rawlings blake insists she did not violate the city's ethics code... when it comes to a new ontract she awarded.and she's on the defensive about it.megan giililand is live with the latest on how it involves her family. good morning,the contract in husband....and his job. a member of the city's board of estimatess.. the mayor recently voted to award city contracts and grants for than 900-thousand dollars ore worth.but her votes are raising questions ecause the mayor's husband is now
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hoppins medical system.. - he was hired last year. me be clear, not one simple - item approved by the board of estimates since december has had anything to do with my husbandssjob. not one single i. item..."the mayor says she does abstain from votes that directly relate to her husbands diiision, but felt this ote in parricular was fine.she has asked the city solicitor, george nilson for an opinion... that opinion... is expected any day. megan gilliland, fox45 morning news. a baltimoreecounty woman is recovering at bayview burn center..and her son is being questioned ... for setting her on fire. happened on east baltimore street.a call to emergency officials went out about 11-o' clock yesterday morning.officials say when they arrived...they didn't see fire.. just smoke.but a small &pfire was burning in a bedroom
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inside the homm ... where they found a woman badly burned with her adult son standing there.firefighters became suspicious ... when police arrived, they took the son into custody (lt. mccullough) "all we know at this time.. we do knowwthat some type of assault occurred &pand that we're investigating that.."(dave/witness) "she was pretty burned up. they had oxygen on er all that stuff. but her feet were charred and her hands andd everything was charred from what i could see.." (joyce/neighbor) "i can't imagine a mother doing this.. or a son doing this to his mother. it's totally unbelieva" unbelievable.." the woman is listed in serious condition. and at this time no charges have been filed. now the latest on the tragedy in japan. japan.the japanese emperor has addressed the nation, expressing condolencessfor
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victims of the earthquake and tsunami.friday's quake registered at 9-point-0. more than 10-thousand people are believed to be dead. an increasingly tense situation continuus in northern japan, where expeets are exploring extreme new measures to prevent a meltdown at the fukushima daiichi nuclear power plant. helicopters began flying ii water to dump on the reactor from the ir. greg black tells us it's an unusual move, but experts say it's the latest being taken to prevent a potential catastrophe. catastrophe. &p--reporter pkgg-s follows -- the lattst effort to prevent a meltdown at a japanese nuclear plant is coming from above. helicopters dropped thousands of gallons of water on the overheating reactors on wednesday, while crews n sprayed water from trucks outside the reactor.we're trying to combine these two approaches to maximize the effect f the waaer spraying. the u-s military is sending also support to the region.... a plane that can detect radiationnlevels from the air. restore power to the plant, using lines.we are trying to resume the outside supply and power generation and we are tryinggto do that, we are doing the work.power compann officials say once the power is can reactivate the coooing allow them to pump seawwter directly into the core of the reactor and cool government officials also say they are working with the community as they respond to the crisis. coordinate on the information and in the interim, we're trying to timely basis so that
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based on information. 200 thousand people have lready been moved from the 18 mile wide evacuation zone arrund the plant.nuclear ooficials say the zone should be miles. i'm greg black --tag --local government officials near the power plant say radiation water there are stilllhigher than noomal, but have not reached levels the human body. -----end-----cnn.script and take a look at this surveillance and take a look at -----end-----cnn.scriptthe human body. -----end-----cnn.script 3
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and take a ook at this surveillance video of a shop being destoryed after last week's showss tsunami waves crashing through the morning.the water knocked down clothing racks and left clothes and other merchandise seven tsunami waves drenched the store over a span of thhee-and-a-half hours. according to a new pool,,the problems in japan are causing concern about nuclear power here in the states.according tt the gallup poll... 399percent of he people polled say they are now áa lotá more concerned abbut a nuccear disaster here 31--ercent said they were áa littleá more concerned. ...and the poll shows more people now áopposeá constructing new nuclear power plants in the united states... than support it.this is a big shift..allup polling usually finds more people support building new nuclear power &pplants. a towson university student is trying to leave japan... her
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semester abroad has been cancelled.cynthia jacob has booked her daughter danielle a flight home ... but trains aren't running and many roads are just getting to the airport is a struggle. herrhost family in tokyo. she's hundreds of miles from where the tsunami hit. still, there are concerns about radiation exposure and most students are staying inddors. "i'm terrified of that radiation... next thing you knnw, the radiation's in tokyo." danielle has been in contact with her om in columbia, maryland. but with tte time difference, and the rolling blackouts in japan, phone calls and emails have been limited. after the devestating blow to japanone popular export takes a hit..-s restaurants report a shortage of are no longer making thier way to the states, so restaurants are adjusting their menus. black says: "in the tokyooarea they're undergoing planned and
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scheduled a lot of the restaurants are left without refrigeration or ways they havv caught became tle - available to us much sooner than anyonn expected." expected."on top off rebuilding...the earthquake and tsunami threatened japan's theee are grooing fears radiaition from the nuclear power plants in japan could reach the states... states...especially hawaii. people are buying potassium shelves bbae.potassium iodide ppevents thyroid cancer from radiaaion.this store usually sells 5 bottles week, but this week, they sold 200. malin says: "personally i'm suuprised that ii's selling so " fast."malin says: "most of ouu distributors are oot, but we've found some distributors and put someelarge orders in." in."health experts in hawaii are monitoring radiation levels .ttey say there is no health hazard right now. today is saint patrick's ay. ii you're going to drink that green beer... á don't driveá!
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fflls point... they're gearing up for a big celebratiin.... but making sure everyone getss home safe. they teamed up with triple-a and yellow offer tipsy taxi service today. it's available to &panyone drinking at a baltimor can call from 4-pm to 4-am to get a free cab ride home. "saint patricks day has become an all day cause for celebration, and unfortanately it's aaso become a dangerous day due to imppired driving." if you need the tipsy's 877-963-taxi. call 1--- ptay tuned to fox45 morning news for continuing coverage triple a about the tipsy taxi service offered.that's coming up n our 8 o'clockkhour. 3 for the firss time since rrturning from haiti ... the u-s-n-s comfort is leaving baltimore. humanitarian mission is taking 71 ccew members to 9 countries
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&pover the neet 5 months. &p joel d. smith is live at the canton pier to tell us more about where hey are needed now. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib)
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actress and singer selena the dangers of cyber bullying. the disney star says she's become a victim of bullying... because of her relationship
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with teen heart throb... justin bieber.speaking out on a new york radio shoo... gomez says it really hurts when fans insult her online. "the reason why i spoke up about that is it's basically like cyber bullling, which has been a really big issue amongst all the teen girls, i told jj that it hurts, because human."gomez says she ádoesá understand jealousy.the diiney star says she hated katie cassidey when she dated her celebrity crush, jesse mccartney. cominn up on the early edition... a man... whose about to be married goes missing..and later found in a trunk.why his family says, he could have been found earlier. earliir. ((break 1)) ((bumm in))
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((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 ((traffic reporter ad libs)) map fiber map 196 map wilkens
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still to come... a man about to be married...goee miising for months... months...(buchanan)"he would hhve callld..he would have &pcome around. he would have done something. it's just nott why the family says he should have been found much sooner... sooner...and those grocery pills are soaring to reccrd heights.the reason you're paying more at the groccry store. ((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3
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two days before a d-c man's wedding... he disappears.the man waa missing for months... until his body was found last week. crime and justice reporter joy lepola tells us... ...why the family feels he sooner have been found ámuchá s- p(joy-pre-recorded)) the family of maurice bynum spent months searching for him,,but they never dreamed he would be discovered like this. now some are wondering why a car that is the focus of an active missinn peeson's investigation in the district was left to sit on a prince george's county street evvn afttr neighbors called police. ((interior))((uchanan)"he would have called. he would have come around. he would have done something. it's just not like maurice," (blount)"we've been to maryland, d.c. pooice, d.c. morrue, maryland morgue. we're
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calling around. we're trying to find him," that's what maurice bynum's family told reporters in december dayy after the 22-year-old disappeared, along with his motherrs black honda accord. then, in mid- january, a resident of this fort washington community called police o complain about an abandoned black onda accord on their street. (sparkman) "an officer was dispatched to that location, he checked the vehicle, but for some being stolen," the car was as legally parked, so the offfcer left it here. this resident remembers seeing through the neighborhood.(no super) "i can remember aa late as mayye but not really aying too much attention," said the resident. after several more weeks, nnighbors called again on stolen and was towed and the family was called to get the car they had so many mooths ago.(sparkman)"the family felt that thee wanted the police to
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respond to the scene as well to search time officers arrived at the tow company, searched the caa and found the victim," on tuesday afternoon, police ccnfirmed the body was maurice (joyner)"big questtons come up to [prince because i know the neighbors alled and reported it and s to why nothing was done, that is aa huge problem," said fort (no supee) "if there was
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straight ahead... grocery prices are spiking....hitting a record. the reason behind why you're paying more at the store. store.and if you're booking a flight.. stay tuned.we'll tell you the busiest airports in the country. ((break 3)) 3
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nuclear meltdown fears of a fears of a nuclear meltdown ssread to wall street...more businesses are senning help to japan and grocery priies are soarrng to has the news ffom the business world. 3 coming up...dangerous 3diets!
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diets!("until i lost 20 pounds i didn't even tell people i was on a 500 calories iet because it sounds insane") combine to make what could be a dangerous new diet...its our cover story storyynd thh mayor faces ethics questions.i'mmmegan gilliland, why a contract she
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